Tuesday, October 5, 2010

One pair of adorable heels later...

It's late and we are leaving early so this will be more like a photo recap today!

I'm trying to eat less.

T1 sleeps in a makeshift bed on the floor in the living room. He never sleeps on his belly at home but seems to do fine with it here.

I think my in laws love the leg warmers as much as we do! So convenient.

When he woke up he had cute tiger stripe style sleep marks on his face.

My inlaws started feeding him solids while we were in Krakow yesterday.

He loves it! I wanted to upload the video of him eating but can't figure out how to do all of that from my phone.

The neighbors sent me a bouquet of flowers!

We spent the day shopping at a really big mall in Silesia.

A few impressions about the mall:

I wish I was thinner because there were SO many dresses I could have bought

I thought the fashions here were more modest, not sure if it's the culture, the Catholic church, or the time of year

They had a lingerie stand that had models wearing practically nothing on the front of their packages. So much worse than VS in the states if you can believe it.

No one seems to operate on commission so they aren't pushy at all. Frankly it's rather wonderful.

Pizza Hut, McDonalds,
KFC. All were present and accounted for.

A slide in a toy story. I never would have thought it was possible to make something so good even better.

We bought this for Grunty. He is going to look SO adorable all bundled up in it.

I tried to avoid anything with English on it but the style and color of this one were really cute. Plus, read the phrase on it out loud. Isn't it fun to say?

I bought these shoes but found a pair without this sticker jut in case this was a special pair. This sticker is particularly funny if you know how many Asian people there are in this part of Poland!

These are the shoes that inspired the title of this post.
They are heels and I LOOOOOOVE them.

Ice cream is better here (more like gelato). I ordered coconut and strawberry.

Meat filled pierogis for dinner.

The napkins here are crazy thin and honestly a bit useless. Everyone has them though, even the nicer restaurants (I assume the really nice restaurants use cloth).

TH modeling his new coat that makes him look like a major hottie.

Fun note: this morning I dried my hair by sitting in the sauna in the inlaws basement! It dried super fast and I just sat and answered Formspring questions while I waited for the water to evaporate out. Weird but cool.

Good night! 6 hours from now I get up to get ready for Vienna!


  1. Looks like you three are having such a good time. Holidays are the best!

  2. You look really great in that picture with you and TH!

  3. Enjoy Vienna! Those shoes.. I'm curious - is it because they're a smaller size or something?

    I'm loving your picture reviews, btw.

    J has a coat just like TH's. Very sassy! :)

  4. I love to see pics of you and TH, it seems like I haven't seen many of you together in awhile! You make such a lovely couple!

    I love both of those shoes, although I'm more of a flat girl than heels, for black sparkly hearts, I might compromise!

  5. First of all, isn't pierogi WONDERFUL! My cousins live in that area near the mall--we stayed in a hotel nearby when we visited. My teen cousin told me that it is mostly foreigners who end up shopping there--is that true?

  6. There used to be a kids' clothing store at the mall near my parents' house that had a slide in it. It was awesome.

  7. Those napkins do look useless. Maybe just to wipe things off but that's it.
    Red shoes, drool. so pretty, I'd love to find myself some red shoes.
